Problemas técnicos
Como alterar ou repor a sua palavra-passe
Pode iniciar o processo de alteração ou redefinição da palavra-passe por si próprio.
- Aceda ao nosso sítio Web e localize o menu superior direito. Clique no botão "Iniciar sessão" para abrir o ecrã de início de sessão.
- Clique na ligação "Esqueceu-se da palavra-passe?" para abrir a janela pop-up "Alteração da palavra-passe".
- Introduza o endereço de correio eletrónico associado à sua conta Crowdestate. Em seguida, clique em "OK" para iniciar o processo de alteração da palavra-passe.
- Enviar-lhe-emos de imediato uma nova mensagem de alteração da palavra-passe e instruções.
As nossas mensagens de reposição da palavra-passe incluem uma ligação única que permanece válida durante 24 horas, pelo que deve concluir o processo dentro do período de tempo especificado.
Can not log in to Crowdestate
We are continuously developing our software and our updates might cause login problems to some users. This malfunction is caused by the remnants of our older software that has been saved into user's browser cache.
This error can be solved easily by clearing your browser's cache and trying again.
Problems with agreements and SMS messages
Some actions on Crowdestate platform require confirmation via an SMS code that will be sent to your mobile phone number listed on your investment account. The following actions always require confirmation by SMS:
- Creation of an investment account, and any modifications to it afterwards
- Investment order
If an SMS code does not arrive to your mobile, please try the following:
- Check that the mobile number on your investment account is correct, and includes the international country code (i.e for Estonia it is +372 XXX XXX)
- Reload the website in your browser and try performing the desired action again
- Restart your mobile phone, and try performing your desired action again
Alternatively, you can now use Google Authenticator to confirm actions. To activate Authenticator, please log in to your user account and find a menu option with your name in the top right corner of the page.
If the beforementioned actions do not have an effect, please contact our customer support via e-mail info@crowdestate.eu or by phone +372 6 599 111
What should I do if my investment order was unsuccessful?
There may be several reasons why you cannot confirm your investment order. Here are a few of the most common ones with possible solutions:
1) User does not insert the required SMS code in the allocated 3 minutes after the investment order is made.
o Please make your investment order again and be sure to confirm the action with the SMS code within the allowed 3 minutes.
2) Did not receive the SMS code to my mobile
o Please review the topic "Problems with SMS messages"
3) User or Crowdestate related technical issues that disable the platform from operating properly at the time an investment order is being made
o Try using another browser (i.e if you are using Internet Explorer, try Mozilla Firefox etc)
o Contact Crowdestate customer support
4) Some other factor
Once an investor has reached the confirmation stage of the investment order, the user specified amount is booked from their investment account. If confirming the investment order with the SMS code is unsuccessful, the booked amount is returned to the user's investment account within 5-10 minutes.
How quickly does my bank transfer reach my investment account?
Very important! Always use your unique reference number when making a bank transfer. This ensures an automatic transfer of the payment to your investment account. The reference number can be found with the bank transfer details of your investment account.
For Estonian bank transfers, the speed of transfer is determined by the bank you are using.
- Crowdestate's bank account is with LHV bank. If you also make a transfer from an LHV bank account, the transfer will take a few minutes. And if you used a correct reference number, the receipt of funds to your investment account is automatic. You will receive an e-mail notification of the payment arriving to your investment account.
- If you are making a payment from any other Estonian bank, the payment will be processed according to SEPA payment rules, usually at least in the morning, noon and evening (3-5x times a day). Once the bank transfer reaches Crowdestate's bank account, the payment to your investment account is automatic, and you will receive an e-mail notification confirming the receipt of funds.
If you wish to make an urgent transfer from an Estonian bank (other than LHV), you may use a payment service like Transferfast.
All European bank transfers should also be processed according to SEPA payment rules described above.
From any other banks around the world, please check the speed and cost of the bank transfer with you local bank. You also have the option to use a payment service like Transferwise for speedy payments.
If you are using a payment service, please ensure that their payment will include your name and the reference number of your investment account. Otherwise we may not be able to identify the payment and will refund it.