Compte d'investissement
How do I keep myself informed about my investments?
Crowdestate's members can follow their investment up in their personal investment reports.
You should be logged in to access the information on your investments.
Crowdestate might provide investment-related information by e-mail or other electronic means of communication.
Q&A section allows for asking investment-specific questions and receiving answers from Crowdestate or fellow investors.
How to add funds to my investment account?
After registering your user account with Crowdestate you can proceed to open one or several investment accounts. Please go to the "Overview" page and select "New account".
After opening the investments account, you can add funds to it by making a wire transfer to Crowdestate's bank account, using your investment account's unique reference number. Specific payment details can be found by clicking "Add funds" button on the "Overview" page.
Clicking "Add funds" displays the required payment information.
Please pay attention to our investment account's unique reference number, which is required for automatic payment processing.
Beneficiary name: | Crowdestate AS |
Beneficiary account: | EE747700771004404669 |
Beneficiary bank: | LHV |
Bank SWIFT: | LHVBEE22 |
Reference number: | ..... |
Multiple investment accounts: private and business accounts
Every user can have multiple investment accounts, both private and business accounts.
To create an investment account under your company’s name, create a new investment account. You can create a new investment account by clicking on the investment account next to your username and clicking on ‘Add new account’.
Assign ‘Company’ as your account type and enter the information about your company.
Comment retirer des fonds de mon compte d'investissement ?
Après avoir ouvert une session, cliquez sur le menu "Portefeuille" dans le coin supérieur droit de votre écran, puis sélectionnez le compte d'investissement à partir duquel vous souhaitez effectuer un retrait.
Cliquez ensuite sur "Paiements" dans le menu de gauche pour ouvrir l'écran "Nouveau paiement".
Remplissez le formulaire et cliquez sur "Confirmer le paiement" pour continuer.
Vous devez confirmer vos instructions de paiement à l'aide d'un code d'authentification à deux facteurs provenant de votre application Google Authenticator ou du code SMS que nous vous avons envoyé.
Insérez le code de confirmation correct et terminez le processus de retrait en cliquant sur le bouton "Confirmer".
How can I transfer money from one investment account to another?
Log into your Crowdestate account and choose the investment account from which you would like to make a transaction.
On the ‘Overview’ page, click on the green button on the right ‘Make a transfer’.
In the window that appears, choose the button ‘Between accounts’ and determine the investment account and the amount of money that you would like to transfer.
Moving investments from one investment account to another
To move investments from one account to another you have to have multiple investment accounts. If you do not have multiple investment accounts yet, then please create a new investment account for yourself.
Go to the portfolio of the investment account from which you would like to move the investment.
Find the investment and click on ‘Manage shares’.
On the next page click on the blue button on the right ‘Move shares’ (If you do not see this button, then you do not have a second investment account to move your investments to).
Choose the investment account that you wish to move the investment to and click on ‘Move your shares’.
In case you wish to move your investments to a different user account, then please contact us at
The expected rate of return in the portfolio does not match with the project
The expected profitability in the portfolio is calculated using the XIRR method, where the system takes into account the real payment schedule, rate of return over time, and the time spent (that will be spent) on settling the project. The expected profitability indicated at the investment opportunity does not change in time, it has been entered into the investment opportunity.
Attention : Votre compte d'investissement a été suspendu
Le compte d'investissement est suspendu dans quelques rares cas, par exemple lorsque le pays dans lequel votre banque ou votre prestataire de services de paiement opère a été reclassé comme pays à haut risque.
Pour réactiver votre compte d'investissement, veuillez vous connecter, consulter les détails de votre compte d'investissement et remplacer le compte bancaire ou de paiement que vous nous avez fourni par un compte ouvert dans un pays à faible risque.
Si vous n'y parvenez pas, veuillez contacter notre service d'assistance aux investisseurs à l'adresse pour obtenir de l'aide.